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Writer's pictureJon Bernstein

House Language Education Champions Introduce Bill to Reauthorize Title VI


WASHINGTON, D.C, July 26th, 2024 – Before leaving for September recess, Representatives Deborah Ross (D-NC), Valerie Foushee (D-NC) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) introduced a full reauthorization of Title VI of the Higher Education Act. A companion to the Senate version (S. 239) of this bill, the House’s Advancing International and Foreign Language Education Act would reauthorize US Department of Education foreign language and higher education programs at colleges and universities through 2030. This introduction opens the possibility of Title VI reauthorization occurring before the end of the 118th Congress.

Specifically, the Advancing International and Foreign Language Education Act would:

  • Reauthorize and extend programs for international and foreign language studies, including National Resource Centers, Language Resource Centers, Undergraduate International Studies, and American Overseas Research Centers.

  • Reauthorize Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships, allowing graduate students to receive stipends for studying foreign languages.

  • Extend and update the International Research and Innovation program, including establishing a national database on international and foreign language education.

  • Reauthorize and update programs for international business skills and education, including renaming and expanding activities in professional and technical training curricula.

Rep. Jimmy Panetta, a lead sponsor of this bill, stated: “Language education can broaden horizons and expand opportunities for Americans. As the co-chair of the America’s Languages Caucus, I’m proud to support the Advancing International and Foreign Language Education Act which would extend language programs so critical to building a workforce ready to compete around the world.  By investing in language and international education programs today, we ensure our nation can continue leading the world and the global economy.”

JNCL-NCLIS has worked closely with the Coalition for International Education to gather support for this reauthorization legislation and to ensure that Congress provides appropriate funding levels for Title VI in annual appropriations. Funding is proving to be a challenging issue this year as, earlier this summer,  the FY2025 House Labor HHS Education Appropriations bill proposed to eliminate $4.133 million from Title VI, with the cut divided nearly evenly between Domestic and Overseas programs. The Senate has yet to announce its proposed funding levels for this and other education programs for FY 2025.


About JNCL-NCLIS: Established in 1972, the Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL) and the National Council for Languages and International Studies (NCLIS) unites a national network of leading organizations and businesses comprised of over 300,000 language professionals to advocate for equitable language learning opportunities. Our mission is to ensure that Americans have the opportunity to learn English and at least one other language.

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