Programs in Elementary and Secondary Education (ESEA)
Appropriated via the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Act
Title II is funded $2.131 billion, +$76 million
These are the formula grants to SEAs which are then passed on to LEAs to support effective instruction; much of this funding is used for PD at the district level.
Title III is funded at $787 million, +$50 million
OELA provides national leadership to help ensure that English Learners and immigrant students attain English proficiency and achieve academic success. In addition funding programs which help our nation’s English Learners succeed through high quality programs, OELA is committed to promoting opportunities for biliteracy and multiliteracy skills for all students.
Title IV is funded at $1.21 billion, +$50 million
The Title IV, Part A grants support curricular enhancement; these are also state formula grants. Each SEA must file a plan with USED as to how to spend the grants at the local level. World Languages can be supported through these grants, and we’ve had a number of districts report using the funding to get folks to conferences, to buy curricular materials and tests, or to develop new courses.
Title VI, for Native American language immersions, is funded at $2.811 million, +$200,000.
Section 6133 of Title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, establishes a grant program for Native communities to support schools and communities that educate Native American and Alaska Native youth with their languages as the primary language of instruction. Funding for this program is equal to 20% of the appropriation for National Activities under Title VI.
Gallaudet University, $3 million for language acquisition program for children 0-3yrs who are deaf or hard of hearing, +$1 million
The agreement includes $3,000,000, an increase of $1,000,000, to continue the regional partnership established in fiscal year 2019 focused on early language acquisition for children from birth through age three who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Programs in Postsecondary Education (HEA)
Appropriated via the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Act
Title II (Teacher Quality Partnerships Program) is funded at $53 million, +$7 million.
These grants support colleges of education, in consortia with local educational agencies, in training new teachers. Several grants have gone to support the development of dual language and world language teachers.
Title VI/F-H gets an additional $4m, $3m for domestic and $1m for overseas programs, for a total of $76.164m
Title VI/Fulbright-Hays program is funded at $76.164 million, +$3 million for domestic and +$1 million for overseas programs.
Title VI/Fulbright-Hays fund undergraduate through postgraduate research and education in foreign languages and world regions. The Domestic Programs, Title VI, provide grants and fellowships to institutions of higher education to develop foreign language and international education programs. The Overseas Programs, Fulbright-Hays, send American scholars, researchers, and educators abroad to develop language and research capacities in regions and languages of the world not typically covered in U.S. curricula.
Additionally, includes a required GAO report on current Teacher Shortage Areas.
The agreement requests that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) provide a report to the Committees on trends and factors contributing to school districts' challenges with teacher recruitment and retention. The report should include a review and analysis of challenges recruiting and retaining special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and teacher aides; the extent to which licensure requirements are waived or modified to address shortages; and geographic and demographic characteristics of districts facing the greatest challenges or shortages, including rural and urban areas. The report shall examine ways to improve the effectiveness of current Federal policy in preventing and responding to teacher shortages as well as make recommendations on potential Federal interventions to improve teacher recruitment and retention.
Department of Defense
Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) received an additional $16 million, up from $10 million, for Language Training Centers.
The work of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office continues to be a high priority for Congress.
"The Committee recognizes that, in partnership with universities across the country, the Defense Language and National Security Education Office provides critical college accredited training for service members and government officials in a number of languages and strategic cultures. The Committee encourages the Department of Defense to continue placing a high priority on the Language Training Centers and the Language Flagship strategic language training program and designates the funding included in the fiscal year 2020 President’s budget request for the Language Training Centers as a congressional special interest item."
Department of State
Appropriated via State, Foreign Operations, and Other Related Programs
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) is funded at $730.7 million, +$34 million.
ECA received an additional $34 million in funding for a total of $730.7 million. This includes funding for:
Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange remains level at $4.125 million:
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX), known as the Parlamentarisches Patenschafts-Programm (PPP) in Germany, began in 1983 as a partnership between the United States and Germany under the authority of the Fulbright-Hays Act of 1961. Youth from both countries participate in one year internships in each other's governing bodies; both countries fund the program to strengthen ties through citizen diplomacy and mutual exchange of culture, society, history, politics, and language. The program is housed in the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Title VIII, or Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, is funded at $3 million.
“Subsection (d)(1) makes $3,000,000 available under the heading Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia to carry out the Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union as authorized by the Soviet-Eastern European Research and Training Act of 1983 (22 U.S.C. 4501 et seq.).”
The Title VIII grant program in the Department of State Office of Analysis for Russia & Eurasia provides funding for policy-relevant research and language training in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. The program is authorized under the Soviet-Eastern European Research and Training Act of 1983 and is administered by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research within the Department of State.