A laser focus on advocacy informs the many hats that Pablo wears. In addition to his role as the Chair of the Associate of Arts & Science Programs at Milwaukee Area Technical College, he also served as the ACTFL Treasurer and was a member of his local school board. These similar, yet distinct, positions overlap and inform one another. He has been invited to testify to committees on education in the Wisconsin State Legislature and has built strong relationships with his local and state elected officials. He has also helped lead the last two Wisconsin delegations at JNCL during Advocacy Days.
Throughout his 27 years of teaching, Pablo has been very involved in political action. Operating from the assumption that education is not neutral, he has been engaged in social justice work long before it was a topic on many people’s lips. As a result, he is often invited to speak at statewide events or press conferences on issues related to school funding and in opposition to legislation seeking to stifle the truth.
Building bridges between cultures through language education inspire Pablo to grow daily. Raised bilingually, he was fortunate to spend his upbringing between the U.S. and Peru. Later, he went on to live in Indonesia and Germany where he gained proficiency in both the language and culture of his hosts. These experiences helped set him on a career as a language educator and inform what he does.
Pablo also volunteers as a mountain biking coach for his local school and serves as the sending coordinator for his local AFS chapter. He and his wife live in Milwaukee with their teenage children and try their best to speak Spanish at home with a bit of German on the side.