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William Lee

ACTFL Teacher of the Year, Latin Teacher

William Lee has taught Latin at Tom C. Clark High School for the past 20 years and at Bush Middle School and Reagan High School for three years prior to his current position.  William served 10 years as Communications Chair, National Committee Secretary, and Certamen Chair for the National Junior Classical League, and 3 years as the Chair of American Classical League’s DEI Committee.  He currently serves as one of the State Co-Chairs of the Texas State Junior Classical League, as Vice-President of both Texas Foreign Language Association and the Texas Classical Association, and as a member of the National Latin Exam’s Writing and Steering Committee. William is also currently a member of the College Board’s AP Latin Development Committee.




Marie J. Campanaro

NBCT WLOE, NYSAFLT Public Advocacy Co-chair

Spanish Teacher, Spencerport CSD NY, retired

Marie Campanaro graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Secondary Spanish and English Education from the SUNY at Brockport, NY, where she later completed her M.A. in Elementary Education with a concentration in Bilingual Multicultural Education. Now retired, she taught English Language Arts and Spanish for 38 years. She has National Board Certification in World Languages Other Than English. She is the recipient of the Lifetime Enrichment Grant: Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom; NYSAFLT Embassy of Spain Scholarship to Salamanca; NYSAFLT's President Award, the Ferdinand DiBartolo Distinguished NYS Leadership Award and the Dorothy S. Ludwig Outstanding Service to the Profession Award. A past president of NYSAFLT, she remains involved as the organization's Public Advocacy Co-chair.

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Bárbara Barnett

K-5 Department Head for World Languages, Wellesley Public Schools, MA

NNELL Treasurer (The National Network for Early Language Learning), MAFLA Board Member

Bárbara Barnett avidly believes every child can and should learn more than one language.  All children have the right to access high-quality language instruction, regardless of learning needs, achievement levels, race/ethnic origin, socioeconomic status, home language, or future academic goals.  Bárbara has been teaching and leading professional growth for over twenty years, in Kindergarten to 12th-grade world language programs.  Committed and passionate about giving back to the profession, Bárbara frequently presents on various topics relating to elementary world languages education, such as social justice, curriculum development, best practices, proficiency journey, and student engagement.

Megan Worcester

Advocacy Chair for IFLTA

Spanish teacher at Union County High School

Like many American students, Megan Worcester started learning Spanish in high school and fell in love with the people and the language. During her studies at Miami University of Ohio she had the opportunity to study abroad in Málaga, Spain as well as student teach in Ávila, Spain. Upon graduation she moved to Madrid where she taught English as well as trained English teachers. Megan lived in Spain for a total of 7 years. When she returned home she began teaching high school Spanish and became involved with both AATSP-IN as well as IFLTA. Megan was the Secretary of both associations for two terms and was taken in by the late Pam Gemmer to help her with the advocacy initiatives in Indiana. She was named the IFLTA Advocacy Chair in 2019 and has been attending LAD every year since then. She believes that it is our duty as educators to ensure that students are ready for the challenges of the world around us, and knowing more than one language is a big part of that.

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