Communications & Policy Intern
Expected Start: October
Qualifications: Intern should have strong writing skills, the ability to work independently, and a demonstrable interest in language study. Graphic designs skills highly desired. A basic understanding of the American legislative process is recommended. World language ability and study abroad experience are highly desired, but not required; An interest in promoting world language learning and international studies is essential. An excellent internship for students intending to work in the language sector, education, or public policy.
Responsibilities: Assist with researching federal legislation and tracking federal appropriations; Drafting and disseminating action alerts to JNCL-NCLIS member organizations; Attending meetings and briefings on Capitol Hill; Creating content for social media and website.
Deadline: November 7th
Compensation: $15 Hourly
Expected State: ASAP
Qualifications: Desire to make a positive impact on the future of multilingualism in the US; Dedication to the mission of JNCL-NCLIS and its organizational members. Preferred: experience abroad, knowledge of English and at least one other language.
Responsibilities: Varies; guest blogs, research legislation at federal and state level.
Deadline: Rolling
Compensation: N/A, volunteer